France métropolitaine
Tle L
La télé réalité (compréhension de l'écrit)
Lieux et formes du pouvoir
Mythes et héros
.icon_annales.png Questions sur un article du « Los Angeles Times » et sur « Speak for England » de J. Hawes traitant de la télé réalité et des jeux télévisés.

Sujet 16La télé-réalité

1 h 30 ● L

1 h ● ES-S

France métropolitaine, juin 2013, Séries L, ES, S


Mythes et héros ● Lieux et formes du pouvoir

Compréhension de l’écrit

10 pts

Doc. 1“The Great Escape” on TNT features teams competing for a cash prize in an hour-long episode


Doc. 2Green Hell


1 Doc. 1. What is the nature of this document?

2 Doc. 1. Which statement best corresponds to the passage?

a. It deals with reality shows in general.

b. It compares two reality shows.

c. It explains how to become a candidate on a reality show.

d. It describes a reality show.

3 Doc. 1. Fill in the blanks. Each blank corresponds to one word.

If you take part in “The great Escape” you may win ............... money than in ............... ............... ..............., however the competition will not last ............... ............... and it will demand ............... physical effort.

4 Doc. 2. What is the nature of this document?

5 Doc. 2. Choose the statement which best sums up the action in this document.

a. Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality show and has decided to abandon the show.

b. Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality show and has managed to become the last contestant in the tropical forest.

c. Brian Marley is a contestant on a TV reality show and is waiting for the helicopter to come and take him home.

d. Brian and a schoolteacher from Swansea are two remaining contestants on a reality show.

6 Doc. 2. Find one quotation revealing why Marley and the other contestants wanted to take part in the show.

7 Doc. 2. Say whether the following statements are right or wrong. Justify each answer with two quotations.

a. Marley has found the whole experience very difficult.

b. He has never considered abandoning the show.

8 Doc. 1 et 2. Which shows (“The Great Escape”, “The Amazing Race” or “Brit Pluck, Green Hell, Two Million”) do the following statements refer to?

a. A treasure hunt

b. A chance for families to work together

c. A show where the contestants can decide whether to stay or leave

d. A show were contestants are eliminated

e. A show were contestants are transformed physically and mentally

9 Doc. 1 et 2. Which show in document 1 corresponds best to the TV show in document 2? Give two reasons to explain why. Use your own words.

Les questions 10 et 11 ne seront traitées que par les candidats de la série L.

10 Doc. 1 et 2. In a few words, compare and contrast the names of the reality shows in both documents.

11 Doc. 1 et 2.

a. Which adjectives from the following list best describe the tone of document 2?

uncritical / romantic / critical / humorous / sarcastic / impartial

b. Explain in a few sentences what the name of the show in document 2 tells us about the intention of the narrator.

Voir le corrigé

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